Thanks to your legacy, you help people in need
If you are considering including a charity like the Red Cross in your will, we are extremely grateful. By doing so, you help people in need, because every day people unexpectedly find themselves in a dire situation. Near or far. Your legacy ensures that Red Cross volunteers can provide professional help when needed. That's why a donation through a legacy is the gift of a lifetime. And that's a wonderful gesture.

Our wills guide
In our will guide you will find a lot of information about bequeathing to charities and the new inheritance law. Good for orientation, but also useful if you have already thought about drawing up a will. You can request our free will guide below.
Want to know more or get personalized advice?
Do you still have questions or would you like a personal conversation? If so, please feel free to contact our bequests staff Aagje Geerardyn and Charlotte Michiels. You can reach them by phone on 015 44 33 50 or 015 44 35 81 or by email

"Want to take some time together to look at the possibilities? You can do that by phone, at your home or at our office. We are happy to help you further, where and when it suits you. Of course confidentially and without obligation."
Aagje and Charlotte
Your will and the new inheritance law
As of September 1, 2018, the new inheritance law and changes regarding inheritance tax (formerly inheritance tax) are in effect. It gives you more freedom to consider people and values you care about. Read more about the new inheritance law and preparing a will.
Leaving a bequest to charity
Would you like to bequeath something to a charity such as the Red Cross? Then you are doing something very special. Bequests to charity can only be made by including a bequest in your will. There are different types of bequests: general bequest, special bequest, bequest under general title.