Take a training course first aid

Take a training course first aid ? You can at the Red Cross! Enroll immediately or view our training offerings. Can't immediately find a training course in our online planner? No worries. Contact us via the contact form below.

Frequently asked questions about training

I want to take a first aid accident (first aid) or first aid for mental health problems (FAMP) course, where do I find one?

Want to take first aid or FAMP training as an individual? You certainly can. What's more, it's free.

Click here and register online immediately

Do you want to organise a first aid or EHBP course for a group you bring together yourself, your company, school, or association? Then we will come to you and you will pay a fee.

Click here for more information

I looked on the Eduko online calendar, but I don't find any training near me. Where and when can I take one?

Please contact us using the form on this page.

Can I organize a private course for a group of people I bring together?

Would you like to organise a training for a group you put together yourself, your company, school or association? Then we will come to you and you will pay a fee.

Click here for more information

What will you learn during a course FAMP?

During a FAMP training course, you will learn in an interactive way:

  • How to recognize signs that someone is experiencing mental health problems;
  • How to provide targeted support to that person;
  • How to help find professional help if it seems necessary;
  • How to take good care of yourself during this process.

During the training we will mainly practice, discuss, collaborate, ... to make you strong in helping others. By way of illustration and application, some specific situations will be addressed such as loss experiences and psychological problems such as depression, addiction, anxiety problems, ...

The training FAMP is aimed at 'first aid for mental health problems' in the broad sense of the word. This training helps complement the often more specialized offerings of our partners.


  • We offer basic training first aid, to provide basic support to family, friends, colleagues, ... So you will not learn to diagnose or apply therapy or other professional counseling yourself.
  • The training is aimed at helping others and thus not for dealing with one's own mental health problems.
  • The training focuses on helping adolescents and adults. The focus is not on first aid to children.

Can I train FAMP if I'm not doing so well in hopes of finding help?

This training is aimed at helping others and not for dealing with one's own mental health problems. Moreover, our instructors are all volunteers within Belgian Red Cross-Flanders who received thorough training, but are not necessarily psychologists themselves.

Having a hard time dealing with yourself and not sure how to cope? Download our Hold on to App and get started with the self-care plan.

Are you over 18 and in need of a conversation? Then don't get stuck with it and talk to someone close to you. You can also call or chat with Tele-onthaal via 106 or their website. This can be done anonymously.

Are you under 18 and in need of a conversation? Then don't get stuck and talk to someone close to you. You can also call, mail or chat anonymously with Awel via 102 or their website. You can also contact the JAC via chat, email or phone. You can also visit them physically.

Can I take the FAMP course if I notice a young person in my community is struggling and I want to learn to help?

This training focuses on the broad adult population. We start from the role you have as a neighbor, friend, family member to support the person who is struggling for a while. So the focus is not on how you, as an adult, can support a child or young person.

Are you worried? Then don't dwell on it and speak to someone close to you. You can also seek advice from Awel at 102 or their website. You can also contact the JAC.

Are you worried about a specific theme? Then you can always contact the organization that has developed expertise around that theme. They will be happy to help you.

I am under 16 years old, can I take the FAMP course?

You're still a little too young. The FAMP-training is organized for the broad adult population.

I have already taken psychosocial training. Can I take the training FAMP to deepen my knowledge?

This training is about the basics, first aid for mental health problems that you can offer when someone close to you is struggling psychologically. We touch on many different themes, but do not go into them in depth. However, we will discuss how you can recognize signs and how you can start a conversation without making diagnoses. If you wish to deepen your knowledge, this course is not really for you. It is best to contact the various expert organizations.

Can I share my own personal stories in a FAMP training?

The training consists of four sessions that will always be given in the same group. From the first session we work to create a safe group environment. So it is certainly possible that a personal story may surface along the way. However, our volunteer instructors are not trained as psychologists. They too are ordinary citizens who believe in the power of offering that first aid. Consequently, within the training there is no room for a psychological 1 on 1 conversation or to handle their own large cases in group.

Having a hard time dealing with yourself and not sure how to cope? Download our Hold on to App and get started with the self-care plan.

Are you in need of a conversation? Then don't get stuck with it and talk to someone close to you. You can also call or chat with Tele-onthaal via 106 or their website. This can be done anonymously.

Can I miss one or more sessions of the FAMP training?

The training consists of four sessions that will always be given in the same group. From the first session, we will work to create a safe group climate. If you cannot attend the first session, then you cannot join for the next three sessions either.

Of course, it can happen that you are sick or something happens that prevents you from attending. But if you already know that you won't be able to attend the first day of class or one or more other days, you better look for another training series. In any case, you will not receive a certificate of attendance if you did not attend at least 3 of the 4 sessions.

Where can I access my earned certifications?

You can find your certifications in Eduko. Create an account or log in using this link. Need help creating an account? Then click here.

Can't find training in the online planner?