2,000th appointment to increase plasma supply

Today Belgian Red Cross-Flanders celebrated the 2,000th donor date of 2024 at the donor center in Leuven. This time it was Liesbet Weltens and Dirk Vandervoort who came together to give plasma. In which Dirk, Liesbet's husband, donated plasma for the first time. Liesbet had then been invited by Veerle Stouten to donate for the 1st time a year ago. Dates are invaluable because the plasma supply in Flanders needs to increase. Therefore, there is a need for many new donors. Liesbet, Dirk and Veerle, together with Belgian Red Cross-Flanders, are therefore calling on all Flemish people to follow their example and donate plasma.

Since the launch of the campaign in early April, some 2,000 donor dates have already taken place, across all of Belgian Red Cross-Flanders 's collection sites (donor centers and mobile collections).

 "Belgian Red Cross-Flanders aims to collect 5 percent more plasma this year than last year - adding about 7,500 liters and recruiting 5,500 new donors for the entire year. Our donordate campaign, in which donors bring someone who has never donated before, should help with that. That's why we relaunched our "donordate" campaign where people can donate plasma or blood together at one of our 14 donor centers or during our mobile collections. The idea of the campaign is to bring your loved ones, friends, relatives or even distant acquaintances who have never donated before. After all, loyal donors know better than anyone else that our collection staff pampers them and how valuable it is to donate. Donating together means saving lives together. " says Nathalie Bergs, Head of Donor Management at Belgian Red Cross-Flanders.

Belgian Red Cross-Flanders 's donor dating campaign continues through Friday, June 28. For those who also want to plan a "donordate date" in the coming weeks, it is possible to make an appointment with a chosen partner to donate at the same time at one of our donor centers or during one of our many mobile collections throughout Flanders.

Click here to go on donordate and make arrangements.