Cost Belgian Red Cross-Flanders
For many of our activities we can rely on the unpaid efforts of volunteers, but in addition Belgian Red Cross-Flanders obviously needs to invest in proper training, support and equipment. Below we give a complete picture of our costs. In 2023, these amounted to 291.4 million euros. These can be broken down into €125.3 million from Reception of Asylum Seekers, €103.9 million from Blood Service and €62.2 million from Humanitarian Services.
Cost Reception of Asylum Seekers
The costs of Belgian Red Cross-Flanders for the reception of asylum seekers are defined in the reception convention with Fedasil. The largest share of these costs is related to emergency shelters, followed by regular centers and finally Ukraine reception.
Cost Blood Service
The supply of blood products, fees for lab tests and subsidies (for personnel and NAT testing) generate the turnover of Blood Service. Belgian Red Cross-Flanders covers the costs of donor recruitment and retention (administration and operating costs); the collection, testing and processing of blood products; and distribution to hospitals. To ensure and continue to improve the continuity and safety of blood, Belgian Red Cross-Flanders reinvests part of this revenue in new techniques, equipment and developments.
Cost Humanitarian Services
The costs related to Humanitarian Services can be divided into three major blocks, namely the general operation of this service, aid worldwide and aid in Flanders. The further breakdown of these categories can be found in the graph below.
In these figures, the share of costs incurred by local chapters is based on a relevant sample from the population of more than 200 chapters.
Contribution to the International Red Cross
Belgian Red Cross-Flanders provided the mandatory membership contribution of 324,508 euros to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). The Red Cross/EU Office, which functions as a liaison between the national Red Cross associations in European Union countries and the European Union itself, received a membership contribution of 21,386 euros. The voluntary contribution to the Standing Commission of the Red Cross and Red Crescent was 3,234 euros.