Sign up to volunteer for the WOW camps

Looking for a commitment to give children and young people the vacation of a lifetime? Join us as an animator or head animator! Are you more into the practical side of camp and do you like to roll up your sleeves? We are looking for handy Harry's and Henriettes!

Will you join us as a volunteer in 2024?

Fantastic plan! Complete your application here to become a volunteer for the 2024 WOW camps:

Sign up here

Overview of camp weeks 2024

What does a WOW camp look like?

Before the start of camp

Before the camp starts, we like to get acquainted and make the necessary preparations. For example, there is the training day. We provide you with a day with many wows and aha's. You get to know the other volunteers and we lay the foundation for the start of camp!


Each camp starts earlier for the volunteers than for the children. We quietly prepare everything together and the finishing touches are put on the 'i'. Once the participants arrive at camp, each part of the day starts with the camp dance, camp song and various activities. There is a day trip, there are elective activities, there is a quiet offering. In short, there is something for everyone.


The camp ends in summer vacation for the volunteers one day later. Thus, we leave the camp site and camp materials back neat. At the end of the camp there is another evaluation moment.

After camp

After the camp, we ask you to share your experiences with us. If you have any questions or comments after camp, please contact us at

Brochure for volunteers

All the info for the volunteers of the WOW camps at a glance? There's our info brochure for that:

Download here

Volunteer positions

  • Logistician
  • Animator
  • Chief animator

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up to volunteer for a WOW camp?

You can use the button at the top of the page to volunteer for the WOW camp of your choice. Be sure to have your calendar handy as you can pass on specific weeks.

What happens after I register?

After we receive your registration, we will assign you to the camp according to your choice. We will confirm your enrollment with a confirmation email. Is the camp of your choice already full? We will contact you to look at possible alternatives based on your availability.

I've been offered a place to volunteer on a vacation, but can't go. What now?

Sometimes it happens that illness or unforeseen circumstances prevent you from going on vacation. In that case, please warn us as soon as possible. Then we can more easily assign another volunteer so that the camp for the participants is not compromised.... You can contact us at 

I am a student. Can I volunteer on vacation?

The minimum age for our volunteers is 18. Students 18 years of age or older are definitely allowed to participate. Supervising a WOW camp is a unique experience and definitely an added value on your resume, especially if you want to work in the social sector later.

Are you taking a social work or education course and interested in the internship offerings? Contact us at and we will look into the possibilities with your educational institution.

Who pays for and arranges transportation to the vacation location?

A few weeks before the start of camp you will receive all practical info such as where to meet. You can make your own arrangements to carpool. Of course, we will reimburse your transportation costs (for car, train, bus).