Care volunteer for WOW vacations & camps

Everyone has the right to relax. Even those for whom it is less obvious. That's why Belgian Red Cross-Flanders organizes vacations and camps for:

  • adults (18+) with physical and/or mental disabilities
  • children with disabilities from socially vulnerable families

Among other things, we are looking for care volunteers to go along as volunteers for this purpose. Something for you?

Do you recognize yourself in this?

  • at least 18 years old
  • 1 week (or longer) you can set yourself free
  • You enjoy caring for others.
  • No experience? Then you first take our Care Initiation (day training).
  • Do you have a driver's license B and experience driving a minibus? Then you can also apply as a driver escort (from 21 years of age).
Sign up

What does it entail?

You assist our care workers
You help our participants in the morning and evening with getting up, washing, dressing and undressing, ...

You guide our participants
During the day you are (sometimes literally) their support during activities, meals and excursions.

You also provide quality time
You get to know the adults or children in your group personally. You take the time for a chat, a game or a walk. And you get a lot in return. 

Belgian Red Cross-Flanders Provides necessary guidance and training

  • You are welcome to attend our information moment with room for a personal conversation.
  • You take our free one-day Care Initiation course. That way you start your task well prepared.
  • You can contact Belgian Red Cross-Flanders before, during and after the vacation/camp with your questions.
  • You can count on our vacation or camp director and your fellow volunteers. 

WOW, I will join as a care volunteer

Nice! You are making a fantastic choice.

Which target group would you prefer to go with? Adults with disabilities or children with disabilities from vulnerable families? If you have a preference in this, do not hesitate to indicate it in the application form under comments: