Teacher first aid for mental health problems

This is how we help

A friend is inconsolable after a relationship breakup, a neighbor is no longer the cheerful neighbor you otherwise know, a family member tells you at a party that things are actually not going so well ... How do you recognize that someone is struggling? What is really listening to each other. How do you avoid overstepping your own boundaries?

Belgian Red Cross-Flanders finds it important that people can help (each other). Being able to offer help immediately often prevents worse. That is why we want to increase self-reliance in Flanders. Every year we therefore offer several courses 'first aid for mental health problems' (FAMP).

This is how you contribute to this

As a teacher, you will take the adult population into a safe practice environment within the FAMP story. 

  • Above all, you will teach them to apply the tips and guidelines through exercises. 
  • You strengthen their conversation skills and support them in their search for their own strengths, attitudes and words to help others. 
  • You teach them to use their self-care plan and set their limits. 

Something for you?

  • You are at least 18 years old
  • You are willing to first take the FAMP training yourself as well as participate in the teacher training.
  • You are a team player and are willing to co-teach the course with another instructor.
Sign up

'I think it's important to train as many people as possible to increase their self-reliance and resilience. Some things from the training I regularly use myself in daily life.'


Teacher FAMP

Specifically, how do you do this?

As a teacher:

  • Know how to keep your lessons as engaging and realistic as possible with ease.

  • Use the extensive didactic materials at Belgian Red Cross-Flanders.

  • School yourself regularly.

  • Are you willing to teach four times three hours to the same group.

What do you get in return?

  • As a teaching candidate, you will receive extensive training. We prepare you to stand in front of a group. All topics from the training course 'First aid for mental health problems' will be repeated and deepened where necessary.
  • You will receive a solid didactic foundation from us and will already have plenty of practice in the practice of teaching.
  • To add extra nutrition to your lessons, you get the Listen! handbook and a teacher's guide with lots of extra lesson inspiration.
  • You will join a nice and warm team that values self-care.
  • You decide in which region and dates you teach.
  • Insurance during all activities you perform for Belgian Red Cross-Flanders.
  • The good feeling! You train people to help others and really make a difference in this way!