Teacher First aid for children and youth

This is how we help

Children and adolescents, in their rambunctiousness, can already get hurt. At times like that, you hope someone will jump into action right away and offer first aid . We think it is important that people are self-reliant and can help each other. Also the little ones. Thanks to Red Cross Youth , children and young people learn to help each other themselves.

Something for you?

  • You are at least 16 years old.
  • You feel like teaching first aid to children and youth.
  • You are willing to undergo training as an Initiator+ or Youth First Aid teacher.
Sign up

This is how you contribute to this

You know first aid through and through, and you enjoy bringing others into the first aid story. With your enthusiasm, you guide children and youth through a range of first aid techniques with ease.

Specifically, how do you do this?

You can help as an Initiator+ or Youth First Aid teacher

  • As an Initiator+, you will teach preschoolers, children and youth first aid in short 2 to 3-hour initiations.
  • As a Youth First Aid Instructor, you go the extra mile. In addition to initiations, you will teach more extensive first aid courses and initiations to youth leaders.

What do you get in return?

  • You will receive proper training and support from us.
  • Fun and feeling good: together we help the little ones!
  • An enjoyable and useful use of time.
  • Insurance during all activities you perform for Belgian Red Cross-Flanders.