
View and download the various publications published by the research centres of Belgian Red Cross-Flanders. You can filter by both a research domain (a topic on which we conduct research) and a research center. 

      De Korte D , Delabie W, Feys H, Klei T, Larsen R, Sigurjónsson Ó, Sousa AP. Towards standardized human platelet lysate production in Europe: an initiative of the European Blood Alliance. Vox Sang. 2024 Jan;119(1):79-87.
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Delabie W , De Bleser D, Vandewalle V, Vandekerckhove P, Compernolle V and Feys H. Single step method for high yield human platelet lysate production. Transfusion. 2023 Feb;63(2):373-383.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Six K , Debaene C, Van den Hauwe M, De Rycke R, Gardiner E, Compernolle V, Feys H. GPIbα shedding in platelets is controlled by strict intracellular containment of both enzyme and substrate J Thromb Haemost. 2023 Aug;21(8):2223-2235.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Steenhuis M , Wouters E, Schrezenmeier H, Rispens T Tiberghien P, Harvala H, Feys H, van der Schoot E, SUPPORT-E Collaborators. Quality assessment and harmonization of laboratories across Europe for multiple SARS-CoV-2 serology assays. Vox Sanguinis. Aug;(8):666-673.
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Wouters E , Verbrugghe C, Abdelnabi R, Devloo R, De Clippel D, Jochmans D, De Bleser D, Weynand B, Compernolle V, Neyts J, Feys H. Intranasal administration of convalescent plasma protects against SARS-CoV-2 infection in hamsters. EBioMedicine. 2023 Jun:92:104597.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Delaney M , Andrews J, Virk M, Barber JR, Bost JE, Baech J, Feys H. Multinational analysis of children transfused with pathogen inactivated platelets Hosp Pediatr 2022;12(3):311-16.
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Deconinck SJ , Nix C, Barth S, Bennek-Schöpping E, Rauch A, Schelpe AS, Roose E, Feys H, Pareyn I, Vandenbulcke A, Muia J, Vandenbriele C, Susen S, Meyns B, Tersteeg C, Jacobs S, De Meyer SF, Vanhoorelbeke K. ADAMTS13 inhibition to treat acquired von Willebrand syndrome during mechanical circulatory support device implantation J Thromb Haemost 2022;20:2797-809.
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Wouters E , Steenhuis M, Schrezenmeier H, Tiberghien P, Harvala H, Feys H, van der Schoot E. Evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 antibody titers and potency for convalescent plasma donation: a brief commentary Vox Sang. 2021 May;116(5):493-496.
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Wouters E , Verbrugghe C, Devloo R, Debruyne I, De Clippel D, Van Heddegem L, Van Asch K, Van Gaver V, Vanbrabant M, Muylaert A, Compernolle V, Feys H. A novel competition ELISA for the rapid quantification of SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies in convalescent plasma. Transfusion. 2021 Oct;61(10):2981-2990.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Dekimpe C , Roose E, Kangro K, Bonnez Q, Vandenbulcke A, Tellier E, Kaplanski G, Feys H, Tersteeg C, Männik A, De Meyer SF, Vanhoorelbeke K. Determination of anti-ADAMTS-13 autoantibody titers in ELISA; Influence of ADAMTS-13 presentation and autoantibody detection. J Thromb Haemost. 2021 Sep;19(9):2248-2255.
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Nguyen D , Simmonds P, Steenhuis M, Wouters E, Desmecht D, Garigliany M, Romano M, Barbezange C, Maes P, Van Holm B, Mendoza J, Oyonarte S, Fomsgaard A, Lassaunière R, Zusinaite E, Resman Rus K, Avšič-Županc T, Reimerink JH, Brouwer F, Hoogerwerf M, Reusken CB, Grodeland G, Le Cam S, Gallian P, Amroun A, Brisbarre N, Martinaud C, Leparc Goffart I, Schrezenmeier H, Feys H, van der Schoot CE, Harvala H. SARS-CoV-2 neutralising antibody testing in Europe; towards harmonisation of neutralising anti-body titres for better use of convalescent plasma and comparability of trial data Euro Surveill. 2021 Jul;26(27):2100568.
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Breukers J , Horta S, Struyfs C, Spasic D, Feys H, Geukens N, Thevissen K, Cammue BPA, Vanhoorelbeke K, Lammertyn J. Tuning the Surface Interactions between Single Cells and an OSTE+ Microwell Array for Enhanced Single Cell Manipulation. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2021 Jan 20;13(2):2316-2326.
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Jacquot C , Feys H. The need for and challenges of comparing SARS-CoV-2 antibody assays. Transfus Med. 2021 Jun;31(3):147-148.
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Six K , Compernolle V, Feys H. Platelet Biochemistry and Morphology after Cryopreservation. Int J Molecular Sci. 2020 Jan 31;21(3):935.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Delabie W , Maes W, Devloo R, Van den Hauwe MR, Vanhoorelbeke K, Compernolle V, Feys H. The senotherapeutic nicotinamide riboside raises platelet nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide levels but cannot prevent storage lesion Transfusion. 2020 Jan;60(1):165-174.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Dekimpe C , Roose E, Tersteeg C, Joly BS, Dewaele A, Horta S, Pareyn I, Vandenbulcke A, Deckmyn H, Feys H, Tellier E, Kaplanski G, Scully M, Coppo P, De Meyer SF, Veyradier A, Vanhoorelbeke K. Anti-ADAMTS13 autoantibodies in immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura do not hamper ELISA-based quantification of ADAMTS13 antigen J Thromb Haemost. 2020 Apr;18(4):985-990.
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Feys H , Dekimpe C, Roose E, Tersteeg C, Joly BS, Dewaele A, Horta S, Pareyn I, Vandenbulcke A, Deckmyn H, Tellier E, Kaplanski G, Scully M, Coppo P, De Meyer SF, Veyradier A, Vanhoorelbeke K. Anti-ADAMTS13 autoantibodies in immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura do not hamper ELISA-based quantification of ADAMTS13 antigen J Thromb Haemost 2020 Apr;18(4):985-990.
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Roose E , Schelpe AS, Tellier E, Sinkovits G, Joly BS, Dekimpe C, Kaplanski G, Le Besnerais M, Mancini I, Falter T, Von Auer C, Reti M, Rossmann H, Vandenbulcke A, Pareyn I, Voorberg J, Greinacher A, Benhamou Y, Deckmyn H, Fijnheer R, Prohàszka Z, Peyvandi F, Lämmle B, Coppo P, De Meyer S, Veyradier A, Vanhoorelbeke K. Open ADAMTS13, induced by antibodies, is a biomarker for subclinical immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura Blood 2020 Jul 16;136(3):353-361.
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Velásquez Pereira LC , Roose E, Graça NAG, Sinkovits G, Kangro K, Joly BS, Tellier E, Kaplanski G, Falter T, Von Auer C, Rossmann H, Feys H, Reti M, Prohászka Z, Lämmle B, Voorberg J, Coppo P, Veyradier A, De Meyer SF, Männik A, Vanhoorelbeke K. Immunogenic hotspots in the spacer domain of ADAMTS13 in immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura J Thromb Haemost. 2021;19:478-488.
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Six K , Devloo R, Compernolle V, Feys H. Impact of cold storage on platelets treated with Intercept pathogen inactivation. Transfusion. 2019 Aug;59(8):2662-2671.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Six K , Sicot G, Devloo R, Feys H, Baruch D, Compernolle V. A comparison of haematopoietic stem cells from umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood for platelet production in a microfluidic device Vox Sang. 2019 May;114(4):330-339.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Feys H , Van Aelst B, Compernolle V. Biomolecular Consequences of Platelet Pathogen Inactivation Methods. Transfus Med Rev. 2019 Jan;33(1);29-34.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Six K , Lyssens S, Devloo R, Compernolle V, Feys H. The ice recrystallization inhibitor polyvinyl alcohol does not improve platelet cryopreservation. Transfusion. 2019 Sep;59(9):3029-3031.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Six K , Delabie W, Devreese KMJ, Johnson L, Marks DC, Dumont LJ, Compernolle V, Feys H. Comparison between manufacturing sites shows differential adhesion, activation, and GPIbα expression of cryopreserved platelets Transfusion. 2018; 58(11):2645-2656.
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Feys H , Devloo R, Sabot B, Coene J, Compernolle V. Comparison of three commercially available buffy coat pooling sets for the preparation of platelet concentrates. Vox Sang. 2018; 113(6):555-561.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Palyu E , Harsfalvi J, Tornai T, Papp M, Udvardy M, Szekeres-Csiki K, Pataki L, Vanhoorelbeke K, Feys H, Deckmyn H, Tornai I. Major Changes of von Willebrand Factor Multimer Distribution in Cirrhotic Patients with Stable Disease or Acute Decompensation. Thromb Haemost. 2018 Aug;118(8):1397-1408.
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Six K , Six K, Devloo R, Compernolle V and Feys H. GPIbα shedding is a consequence of damage to cryopreserved platelets, not a cause EUPLAN, Bruges 2018
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Six K , Six K, Sicot G, Devloo R, Baruch D, Compernolle V and Feys H. Platelet production in a microfluidic device using hematopoietic stem cells from umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood EUPLAN, Bruges 2018
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Six K , Six K, Devloo R, Compernolle V and Feys H. GPIbα shedding is a consequence of damage to cryopreserved platelets, not a cause AABB Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA October 15th, 2018
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Six K , Six K, Devloo R, Compernolle V and Feys H. Cold storage increases the procoagulant capacity of Intercept treated platelets. EUPLAN, Bruges 2018
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Six K , Devloo R, Van Aelst B, Vandekerckhove P, Feys H, Compernolle V. A Microfluidic Flow Chamber Model for Platelet Transfusion and Hemostasis Measures Platelet Deposition and Fibrin Formation in Real-time. J Vis Exp. 2017 Feb 14;(120):55351.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Van Aelst B , Feys H, Devloo R, Vandekerckhove P, Compernolle V. Pathogen inactivation of blood components, impact on plasma and platelet function. Belg J Hematol 2016;7(6):240-3.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Van Aelst B , Devloo R, Zachée P, t'Kindt R, Sandra K, Vandekerckhove P, Compernolle V, Feys H. Psoralen and Ultraviolet A Light Treatment Directly Affects Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Signal Transduction by Altering Plasma Membrane Packing. J Biol Chem. 2016 Nov 18;291(47):24364-24376.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Feys H , Potter H, Coene J, Vanwalle G, Vandekerckhove P, Compernolle V. Peristent aggregates in apheresis platelet concentrates are commonly collected from donors with a history of aggregate donation Vox Sang. 2016 Nov;111(4):431-433.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Feys H , Van Aelst B, Devloo R, Vandekerckhove P, Compernolle V. The contribution of von Willebrand factor-GPIbα interactions to persistent aggregate formation in apheresis platelet concentrates. Vox Sang. 2016 May;110(4):344-51.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Van Aelst B , Feys H, Devloo R, Vandekerckhove P, Compernolle V. Microfluidic Flow Chambers Using Reconstituted Blood to Model Hemostasis and Platelet Transfusion In Vitro. J Vis Exp. 2016 Mar 19:(109):53823.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Deforche L , Roose E, Vandenbulcke A, Feys H, Springer TA, Mi LZ, Sadler JE, Fujimura Y, Soejima K, Rottensteiner H, De Meyer S, Deckmyn H, Vanhoorelbeke K. Linker regions and flexibility around the metalloprotease domain account for conformational activation of ADAMTS-13 J Thromb Haemost. 2015 Nov;13(11): 2063-75.
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Drawz SM , Marschner S, Yañez M, de Coca AG, Feys H, Deeren D, Coene J. Observational study of corrected count increments after transfusion of platelets treated with riboflavin pathogen reduction technology in additive solutions Transfusion. 2015 Jul;55(7):1745-51.
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Feys H , Van Aelst B, Devloo R, Vandekerckhove P, Compernolle V. Phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase is impaired following amotosalen and ultraviolet a light treatment of platelets in concentrates for transfusion ISTH Academy. Feys HB. Jun 20, 2015; 114709
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      van der Meer PF , Dumont LJ, Lozano M, Bondar N, Wong J, Ismay S, Pink J, Nussbaumer W, Coene J, Feys H, Compernolle V, Devine DV, Howe D, Lin CK, Sun J, Ringwald J, Strasser EF, Eckstein R, Seltsam A, Perseghin P, Proserpio P, Wakamoto S, Akino M, Takamoto S, Tadokoro K, Teo D, Shu PH, Chua SS, Jimenez-Marco T, Lozano M, Cid J, Castro E, Muñoz I, Gulliksson H, Sandgren P, Thomas S, Petrik J, McColl K, Kamel H, Dugger J, Sweeney JD, Gorlin JB, Sutor LJ, Heath D, Sayers MH. Aggregates in platelet concentrates. Vox Sang. 2015 Jan;108(1):96-100.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Feys H , Coene J, Devloo R, Van Aelst B, Pottel H, Vandekerckhove P, Compernolle V. Persistent aggregates in apheresis platelet concentrates. Vox Sang. 2015 May;108(4):368-77.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Van Aelst B , Feys H, Devloo R, Vanhoorelbeke K, Vandekerckhove P, Compernolle V. Riboflavin and amotosalen photochemical treatments of platelet concentrates reduce thrombus formation kinetics in vitro Vox Sang. 2015 May;108(4):328-39.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      van der Meer PF , Dumont LJ, Lozano M, Bondar N, Wong J, Ismay S, Pink J, Nussbaumer W, Coene J, Feys H, Compernolle V, Devine DV, Howe D, Lin CK, Sun J, Ringwald J, Strasser EF, Eckstein R, Seltsam A, Perseghin P, Proserpio P, Wakamoto S, Akino M, Takamoto S, Tadokoro K, Teo D, Shu PH, Chua SS, Jimenez-Marco T, Lozano M, Cid J, Castro E, Muñoz I, Gulliksson H, Sandgren P, Thomas S, Petrik J, McColl K, Kamel H, Dugger J, Sweeney JD, Gorlin JB, Sutor LJ, Heath D, Sayers MH. Aggregates in platelet concentrates. Vox Sang. 2015 Jan;108(1):96-100
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Coene J , Devreese K, Sabot B, Feys H, Vandekerckhove P, Compernolle V. Paired analysis of plasma proteins and coagulant capacity after treatment with three methods of pathogen reduction. Transfusion. 2014 May;54(5):1321-31.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Feys H , Van Aelst B, Devloo R, Vandekerckhove P, Compernolle V.. Treatment of platelet concentrates with amotosalen and ultraviolet light decreases platelet adhesion and activatability causing reduced thrombus formation kinetics in vitro. AABB October 2014 Philadelphia AABB - ID 2006106
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Drawz SM , Marschner S, Yañez M, García de Coca A, Feys H, Deeren D, Coene J. Observational study of corrected count increments after transfusion of platelets treated with riboflavin pathogen reduction technology in additive solutions Transfusion. 2015 Jul;55(7):1745-51.
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Van Aelst B , Feys H, Devloo R, Vandekerckhove P, Coene J, Compernolle V. Apheresis platelet concentrates with persistent particles WVTV symposium November 14, 2014 Ghent / BSTH October 15, 2014
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Van Aelst B , Devloo R, Vandekerckhove P, Compernolle V, Feys H. Three photochemical pathogen inactivation methods impair platelet function with different underlying biochemical mechanisms WVTV symposium November 14, 2014 Ghent / BSTH October 15, 2014
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Feys H , Van Aelst B, Devreese K, Devloo R, Coene J, Vandekerckhove P, Compernolle V. Oxygen removal during pathogen inactivation with riboflavin and UV light preserves protein function in plasma for transfusion Vox Sang. 2014 May;106(4):307-15.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Muia J , Zhu J, Gupta G, Haberichter SL, Friedman KD, Feys HB, Vanhoorelbeke K, Westfield LA, Roth R, Tolia NH, Heuser JE, Sadler JE. Allosteric activation of ADAMTS13 by von Willebrand factor Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Dec 30;111(52):18584-9.
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      De Clippel D , Baeten M, Torfs A, Emonds MP, Feys H, Compernolle V, Vandekerckhove P. Screening for HLA antibodies in platelet apheresis donors with a history of transfusion or pregnacy. Transfusion. 2014 Dec;54(12):3036-42.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Deckmyn H , Feys H. Assays for quality control of platelets for transfusion. ISBT Science Series 2013, 8(1):221-224.
      Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Feys H , Vandekerckhove P, Compernolle V. Nitric oxide levels increase during platelet concentrate production from buffy coats, but not during storage. Transfusion 2013 Jan, 53(1):233-4.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)
      Feys H , Compernolle V. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, new insights and perspectives. Onco-Hemato 2013;7(7):28-34.
      Blood Service (DVB), Transfusion Research Centre (TReC)