About us

Every year thousands of people lose contact with each other as a result of war, conflict, natural disasters and migration. According to international humanitarian law, anyone who has lost contact with relatives has the right to know their fate.

Restoring Family Links from Belgian Red Cross-Flanders helps with family searches and restoring contact. This is done in partnership with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and national Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies around the world. Each has a unique mandate and network that allows them to launch searches and restore contact with family members in many places around the world.

Restoring Family Links offers information about the Belgian family reunification procedure to people who have international protection status in Belgium.

Restoring Family Links is a free service. Each request is treated confidentially with respect for personal situation and cultural context. We cooperate with other Red Cross Societies worldwide and special delegates in conflict areas. 

 Restoring Family Links helps with: