Restoring Family Links: helping your family

Restoring Family Links is a free service offered by Belgian Red Cross-Flanders. It is a neutral entity and cooperates with other Red Cross and Red Crescent societies, and also with special envoys in areas of conflict. All requests are treated as confidential, taking into account the individuals' personal situation and cultural context. 

Would you like to help? Voulez-vous aider? You want to help?

Become a language assistant for Restoring Family Links!

Safety tips for migrants

Learn relatives' phone numbers off by heart.
Tell family members and friends what migration route you are planning to use.
Try to find a Red Cross or Red Crescent post as soon as possible after losing contact with any family members.
Memorize all your family members' and friends' email addresses.
Make sure you and your family use proper life jackets.
If traveling with children, help them to memorize useful information, such as parents' names.
Update family members from time to time on your journey and where you are.
If you are arrested, tell the police you do not want to be split up from your family.