World Blood Donor Day: Belgian Red Cross-Flanders thanks all donors for their voluntary act of solidarity

On the occasion of World Blood Donor Day, Belgian Red Cross-Flanders would like to warmly thank all plasma and blood donors in Flanders. Their selfless act of solidarity makes it possible to help people in need of blood products. The commitment of donors is vital and ensures that the sick and injured get the help they need. Belgian Red Cross-Flanders is enormously grateful for the many people who dedicate themselves every day to helping others.

In Belgium, Belgian Red Cross-Flanders has for years been committed to voluntary and unpaid donation of blood products, such as plasma and blood. This system, without remuneration for donors, has proven to be the best method of collecting blood products, with optimal safety for both donors and patients. Recently, a change in European regulations has led to debates about whether or not to pay donors. Although proponents and opponents often base their arguments on ethical or ideological grounds, the crucial data on the effects of paid donations is often overlooked.

An in-depth analysis of experiences in countries where paid plasma donations take place shows that a system based on voluntary donations offers several advantages over paid donations.

  •  The safety of donors and plasma products remains guaranteed (with paid donations, safety is compromised)
  • Prices of plasma components, such as immunoglobulins, remain under control (paid donations would increase)
  • The availability of vital plasma is not disrupted, even during crises (with paid donations, supplies are compromised)

The article with detailed findings, published in the academic journal Vox Sanguinis by Kelsey J. MacKay, Fritz Schiltz and Philippe Vandekerckhove of Belgian Red Cross-Flanders, can be read here.

The conclusion is clear: the countless patients who depend on blood products every day will suffer when the principle of voluntary donation is abandoned. The contaminated blood scandal in the United Kingdom, which cost the lives of thousands of patients, underlines this once again. Maintaining the voluntary donor system is the only right choice to secure the future of donations in Belgium.

Belgian Red Cross-Flanders thanks again to all donors for their invaluable support and commitment. 

Warm call

Be sure not to wait to make an appointment to donate now. Both regular and new donors are especially welcome at one of our donor centers or during a mobile collection. Would you also like to contribute by donating blood, but especially plasma: go to Give blood, plasma or platelets | Red Cross, check the location and time that suits you best and make an appointment. Or make an appointment by calling the toll-free number 0800 777 00.

Those who are new are best to do the Donor Self-Test first.

Those who want to read a little more about giving blood or plasma first, go to: Giving blood: how, where and can I? | Red Cross