Early end-of-year dip in blood supply: negative blood groups rationed now

The blood supply in Flanders is under pressure, especially for the negative blood groups. Belgian Red Cross-Flanders speaks of an early end-of-year dip and is concerned because blood is already being rationed for blood groups B negative, O negative and AB negative. That's why the organization is stepping up: "We are organizing two extra blood collections in the concert hall at 't Zand in Bruges during the Warmest Week and are opening our 14 donor centers on the last two Saturdays of the year," said Philippe Vandekerckhove, Chief executive officer, CEO of Belgian Red Cross-Flanders. "The message is simple: come and give blood en masse during these last weeks of the year, especially if you have a negative blood type. Because with that blood you save people's lives."
The end-of-year period traditionally puts pressure on the blood supply in Flanders. During the Christmas vacations, therefore, on average some 19 percent fewer donors come to give blood than normal. But this year the dip in the blood supply is coming a lot earlier, which means that 3 out of 4 negative blood groups are already being rationed.
"We are worried with the end-of-year dip coming so early this year. Especially since the most difficult period - the Christmas vacations - is yet to come. We can currently supply only half the blood for the blood groups B negative, O negative and AB negative compared to what the hospitals are asking for. Of course, the hospitals also still have their own, small supplies, but it is clear that this situation cannot last much longer. That is why we are launching a warm appeal to the whole of Flanders to come and give blood in the coming weeks. You are obviously doing a very good deed by doing so: after all, you are saving human lives." Philippe Vandekerckhove, Chief executive officer, CEO Belgian Red Cross-Flanders
The fact that O negative is one of the blood groups where there is a shortage causes additional concern. This is because it is the so-called "universal donor": blood from these donors can be given to patients of all blood groups. Belgian Red Cross-Flanders is therefore pulling out all the stops to boost blood collection in the coming weeks, with a number of additional initiatives.
"Next Monday and Tuesday we are organizing two extra blood collections at the Concert Hall at 't Zand in Bruges, right next to The Warmest House, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. each time. So be sure to make an appointment to come give blood there if you were planning to visit during Warmest Week. In addition, we are also opening our 14 donor centers on two Saturdays: December 23 and 30, from 9am to 3pm." Philippe Vandekerckhove, Chief executive officer, CEO Belgian Red Cross-Flanders
Anyone wishing to donate blood can do so at various locations: at one of the 14 donor centers or during one of the numerous local blood collections, which continue as usual even during the Christmas holidays. The procedure is very simple: go to rodekruis.be/blood, check the location and time that suits you best and make an appointment. Or make an appointment by calling the toll-free number 0800 777 00.