Voka and Belgian Red Cross-Flanders call on companies to donate plasma

Save lives in an hour: companies lead by example with plasma donations.

Voka and Belgian Red Cross-Flanders are today launching the "Company with a big heart" project, an initiative that encourages companies to motivate their employees to jointly donate plasma at one of the 14 donor centers in Flanders. This project aims to increase the necessary plasma reserves to continue life-saving medication and treatments.

Why more plasma is needed

Belgian Red Cross-Flanders aims to collect 5% more plasma this year than last year, representing the equivalent of 7,500 liters of plasma or about 5,500 new donors. The demand for plasma has been increasing for years and will continue to do so. By collecting more plasma in Belgium, we can become more independent of foreign plasma imports, which is crucial for the affordability and availability of life-saving medication for patients with clotting disorders, severe burns, hemophilia and immune disorders.

Enterprise with a big heart

With the "Company with a big heart" project, Voka and Belgian Red Cross-Flanders want to encourage companies to motivate their employees - individually or as a team - to come and give plasma. Companies can easily participate in the project by registering on our website. After registration, the company will receive a unique link and a promotional poster with QR code to facilitate participation for employees. Employees are encouraged to donate plasma as a group, for example during their lunch break or as team building. Individual donations are, of course, always welcome as well.

Fritz Schiltz, Director of Policy Support & Projects at Belgian Red Cross-Flanders, comments, "We are very pleased with this cooperation. In Flanders there is a strong donation tradition among the population, but from the business world there is still a lot of potential. That Voka wants to contribute to this together with its members, we think this is a wonderful initiative for which we are grateful."

"'Enterprise with a Big Heart' is an opportunity for companies and their employees to make social commitment concrete. Those who donate plasma contribute to the health of everyone. We call on our members to participate and make it possible for their employees to donate plasma at the nearest donor center. We look forward to making this a success together with Belgian Red Cross-Flanders ." said Hans Maertens, Chief executive officer, CEO Voka, Flemish network of enterprises.

Every company with registered donations receives the label "Company with a big heart" anyway. This label shows to the outside world the company's social commitment. Daily records are kept of how many employees of participating companies have donated. Companies with the highest percentage of donors are ranked higher. In May 2025, the top companies per donor center will be awarded the "Company with the Biggest Heart" label.

Peter Verboven, CEO of TagTeam, shares his experience, "When we heard about this project, it was a no-brainer for us to participate immediately. The enthusiasm within our company to collectively donate plasma is great. Meanwhile, we already have 35 plasma donations to our name and we have only just begun. We encourage all companies to join this project."

"One of the values of delaware is "care", both for our environment and for our fellow human beings. This action by Voka and Belgian Red Cross-Flanders is a very nice initiative to make people more aware of the shortage of plasma in Belgium. We would therefore like to encourage the #peopleofdelaware to donate more plasma - during lunch breaks, as team building or after work. In the past, we already organized joint blood donations, so enthusiasm will certainly be there among our colleagues! In addition, we have also planned a joint donation on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of WeCare, our working group around charities." adds Evelien Vanhooren, partner at delaware.

Sammy Colson, CEO of Springbok Agency shares the enthusiasm around this initiative, "As a digital and creative communications agency, we feel a responsibility to work toward a better future, to make meaningful change through the brands and companies we work for. This commitment to positive impact transcends our client work. Even as an employer, we encourage our people to make an impact by contributing to initiatives like this one. The fact that we are neighbors makes it all the more of a no-brainer."

More information and registration