Cooperation between Belgian Red Cross-Flanders and Flemish Government: 60 or so generators provide power for vital infrastructure in Ukraine

Belgian Red Cross-Flanders and Flemish minister-president Jan Jambon today visited a hospital and a water supply company in the Ukrainian city of Loetsk, two of the many institutions that rely on generators donated to them by Flanders for their energy supply. This is an additional support package from the Flemish government for Ukraine, good for a total of 2 million euros.

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine continues to have a major impact on ordinary citizens. Especially during these winter months, the situation is very precarious. Especially the damaged energy infrastructure in the country causes a great lack of mobile energy sources such as generators.

"Healthcare facilities and schools also no longer have a reliable, constant power supply. Sometimes even in large parts of the country there is no electricity at all. This is why the Flemish government is giving 2 million euros worth of additional appliances and materials to Belgian Red Cross-Flanders, to help meet these needs." Jan Jambon, Flemish minister-president


Flemish generators provide potable water and power

Meanwhile, the first Flemish generator is already operational, at the Dubnivska water supply company in Loetsk. There, the device contributes to the crucial energy supply for the processing and distribution of potable water. In addition, a second generator will soon be installed in the same region at the Lutsk City Clinical Hospital.

"In other words, the first generator ensures that nearly 127,000 residents can continue to get potable water, which is more than half of the inhabitants of Loetsk. And the second unit provides power for a hospital with a capacity of some 700 beds, caring for about 40,000 patients a year. So the generators are used for the most crucial basic services, which unfortunately cannot currently count on a reliable supply of energy from the power grid." Philippe Vandekerckhove, Chief executive officer, CEO of Belgian Red Cross-Flanders


Support package of 2 million euros

The two aircraft are part of an additional support package from the Flemish government. It involves 2 million euros that Belgian Red Cross-Flanders is deploying for the so-called "winterization" program of the Ukrainian Red Cross. This is an emergency relief plan through which the local population receives additional humanitarian support during the harsh winter months to meet their basic needs.

"Over the next few weeks, we are mainly putting our efforts into generators: there will be about 60 in total, 16 of which have already arrived in Ukraine in the meantime. After that, we will also look at other emergency relief items for the remaining amount. Think, for example, of gas burners, flashlights or powerbanks. And furthermore, other humanitarian needs for "non-food" items remain high, such as hygiene kits, blankets and even ambulances. We are gradually putting that logistical puzzle together with the Ukrainian Red Cross." Philippe Vandekerckhove, Chief executive officer, CEO of Belgian Red Cross-Flanders