Red Cross already sees more than 20,000 Congolese flee violence to Burundi

"The situation in eastern Congo is escalating and humanitarian needs are increasing dramatically" says Didier Van Aert, Head of International Disaster Response at Belgian Red Cross-Flanders. Violence in eastern Congo has been causing major population displacement for years. Since the start of the most recent escalation of violence early this year, more than 20,000 Congolese refugees have already had to flee to Burundi. "The current refugee camps cannot cope with this influx. There is a great need for shelter, the situation is very worrying." says Van Aert.
The conflict in eastern Congo is taking a heavy toll on civilians caught in the violence. In recent years, tens of thousands of Congolese have left their own homes to flee the violence, often fleeing within the country itself. With the fighting in the region around Bukavu, the Burundi Red Cross is now also seeing large flows of refugees into neighboring Burundi.
"I will make no bones about it: the situation on the ground is not good. From the Red Cross, we are making efforts to help meet the humanitarian needs. My Burundian and international colleagues are present in the villages where refugees arrive and do what they can. It is partly just improvising. The greatest needs are food, potable water, shelter and medical support." says Flemish Saskia Beerts, who is active in Burundi for Belgian Red Cross-Flanders for structural projects.
Thousands of volunteers
"I'm worried," says Saskia Beerts. "My colleagues on the ground are doing everything they can to accommodate the people, but there just aren't enough resources. The Burundi Red Cross has thousands of volunteers working hard, but with 350 tents and 2,000 blankets, they don't have enough comfort for all the Congolese refugees."
Belgian Red Cross-Flanders released 100,000 euros from their emergency relief fund late last month to provide financial support to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in the field. A fundraising campaign is also underway to help meet the immense needs in the field.
Anyone wishing to contribute can do so via account number BE53 0000 0000 5353 stating "Congo," or simply online at