Belgian Red Cross-Flanders summer update

Not only Belgian Red Cross-Flanders is summering. Festivals are also running at full speed, and our Red Cross volunteers are numerous at those!
Thus, a lot of volunteers from different departments were on standby on the Rock Werchter meadow the past few weekends. More than 6,000 festivalgoers were cared for by our volunteers. Fortunately no serious incidents, but the usual first aid problems: blisters, scrapes and cuts and the occasional bruise such as a sprained ankle.
Summer is therefore traditionally a busy period for many services. There are markets and fairs, festivals and parties, camps and trainings - every day there is something going on somewhere in Flanders. All events at which our volunteers put their best foot forward. Without their enthusiasm and inexhaustible efforts, all these activities would not run as smoothly.
So if you meet one of our aid workers, be sure to give them a warm smile or a heartfelt thank you.
Did you feel like becoming a volunteer yourself? You can find all the info here!