Belgian Red Cross-Flanders Provides 100,000 euros for humanitarian aid in Israel and the Occupied Territories

Belgian Red Cross-Flanders is immediately donating 100,000 euros from the Emergency Relief Fund for humanitarian support to the violence in Israel and the Occupied Territories. The money will be used to assist the most vulnerable by, among other things, supporting hospitals on the ground. Flemings who also want to contribute financially can do so via the account number BE53 0000 0000 5353 stating "conflict Middle East", or simply online via
The situation in Israel and the Occupied Territories is alarming, with more than 1,200 people already dead and thousands injured. Essential infrastructures such as water and energy supplies are under pressure. Food and medicine are scarce. In addition, many roads are damaged or inaccessible, making access for ambulances difficult. That is why Belgian Red Cross-Flanders is immediately releasing 100,000 euros from the emergency relief fund
"The money will be deployed through the International Red Cross, which is active on the ground in all regions. They are there now focusing on the most urgent needs of the most vulnerable victims. This is primarily about medical assistance. For example, they provide beds and stretchers - and offer general support to hospitals. Moreover, the need for this humanitarian aid will only increase in the coming days, weeks and months. After all, many signs point to the conflict escalating even further." Sofie De Jaeger, Manager International Cooperation of Belgian Red Cross-Flanders
Anyone who wants to can contribute via the account number BE53 0000 0000 5353 with the mention "conflict Middle East," or simply online at