Belgian Red Cross-Flanders Releases 200,000 euros for humanitarian aid after Morocco earthquake

Belgian Red Cross-Flanders is releasing 200,000 euros from its emergency relief fund for humanitarian aid following the earthquake in Morocco. Those funds will be used immediately to support the Moroccan Red Crescent. They will use the funds to provide the most acute assistance to those affected on the ground. In addition, Belgian Red Cross-Flanders is opening the account number BE53 0000 0000 5353. On it, Flemings can offer financial aid mentioning earthquake. Or via our website:
The 6.8 magnitude earthquake near Marrakech during the night of Friday, Sept. 8, to Saturday, Sept. 9, has already killed more than 1,000 people and injured more than 1,200. The material damage is enormous. The Flemish, Walloon, Brussels and federal governments together already released 5,880,000 euros to help the victims of the earthquake. Belgian Red Cross-Flanders is adding another 200,000 euros to provide the first aid .
"Our thoughts go first and foremost to the families of the earthquake victims. Our priority is to quickly administer the necessary care to the survivors. This is not easy in the mountainous area. The funds we are releasing will serve to support the Moroccan Red Crescent teams, who are on the ground coordinating all aid with local authorities, as quickly as possible in the rescue operation and search for deceased under the rubble."
Sofie De Jaeger, Manager International Cooperation at Belgian Red Cross-Flanders
Belgian Red Cross-Flanders is closely monitoring the situation near Marrakech and, with the Moroccan Red Crescent, is reviewing from day to day what help the affected region needs through the various phases of the rescue operation.
Those affected by the earthquakes will need all the help they can get not only in the coming weeks, but also in the coming months. That is why Belgian Red Cross-Flanders is also opening the account number BE53 0000 0000 5353. Flemings who want to support the victims can make their contribution there, mentioning "earthquake", or via