Belgian Red Cross-Flanders gets legal personality

Flemish government anchors cooperation with Belgian Red Cross-Flanders to strengthen disaster preparedness.

Belgian Red Cross-Flanders henceforth has legal personality. This is the result of a decree recently approved in the Flemish Parliament. The new decree recognizes the unique role of Belgian Red Cross-Flanders as the "Helper of the Flemish Government.  

The Red Cross has a unique status of"Government Helper" all over the world. It is therefore neither an NGO nor a government organization. The Red Cross works closely with governments to provide humanitarian assistance where needed. Within the Belgian Red Cross Belgian Red Cross-Flanders has its own governing bodies, but it lacked legal personality until now. This hampered its role as "Helper of the Flemish Government" and could lead to problems in decision-making and accountability. 

With the decree anchoring Belgian Red Cross-Flanders as a "Helper of the Flemish Government," Flanders is laying the foundation for enhanced cooperation to support vulnerable people in need, both in times of war and peace. The decree to this end was unanimously approved by the plenary session of the Flemish Parliament on April 24, 2024.

Jan Jambon, Minister President of the Flemish Government: "The fact that Belgian Red Cross-Flanders is given separate legal personality is an important breakthrough. This decree is important to finally bring the legal organization of the Red Cross in line with reality. Belgian Red Cross-Flanders can organize itself more easily and efficiently and the link between the Flemish Government and Belgian Red Cross-Flanders is strengthened. I am pleased that my government and the Flemish Parliament were able to strengthen this demand from Belgian Red Cross-Flanders for recognition as an auxiliary of the Flemish Government."

The decree gives Belgian Red Cross-Flanders legal personality and brings several benefits, including a clarification and strengthening of the link between the Belgian Red Cross-Flanders and the Flemish Government. This lays a solid foundation for further expanding and deepening activities in cooperation with the government, which is crucial given the increasing threat of conflicts and disasters. The Flemish Government is taking this step to prepare itself well for potential disasters and conflicts as part of its disaster preparedness and to ensure an effective and coordinated response in times of need.

Philippe Vandekerckhove, Chief executive officer, CEO Belgian Red Cross-Flanders : "The decretalization of our unique role as 'Helper of the Flemish Government' marks a historic milestone for Belgian Red Cross-Flanders. It now allows us to carry out our mission more efficiently and effectively, in close cooperation with the government. This decree not only offers administrative simplification, but also lays a solid foundation for further cooperation and expansion of our humanitarian activities. It is an affirmation of our commitment to support vulnerable people in need, both in times of peace and conflict."

In addition, the decree modernizes the legal basis of Belgian Red Cross-Flanders - the previous one dates back to 1891 - and provides for administrative simplification by bringing several NPOs, which had to be established due to subsidy requirements, under one legal entity. This provides more efficiency and cohesion in the execution of important tasks such as training, youth work and scientific research, all within the Flemish federated powers.

Hilde Crevits, Flemish Minister of Welfare, Public Health and Family: "The Red Cross is a socially indispensable organization on an international and local level. Saving lives every day. Assistance in case of disasters -and now also crises- the Belgian Red Cross has been doing this since 1891. This mission has been taken up for many years by the Belgian Red Cross-Flanders. With this decree 'Belgian Red Cross-Flanders' gets its own legal personality and thus the recognition as 'Helper of the government'. Not only does this have an important symbolic value, it gives the Belgian Red Cross-Flanders extra clout to fulfill its mission. As the Flemish Government, we are pleased to be able to give our social actors such support and recognition."

Photos © Dorien Van der Eecken Photography