Already 10,345 people registered a Donate Goal for 2024 at Belgian Red Cross-Flanders

In early 2024, Belgian Red Cross-Flanders called for people to make a good intention for the year by registering a donation goal for 2024. This call, spread through various channels, generated a wonderful response, with more than 10,000 people already registering a donation goal. 

Through the website, people have the opportunity to record their commitment by indicating how often they will donate blood and/or plasma in 2024. Belgian Red Cross-Flanders will then give them the push they need throughout the year to reach this goal.

To date, 10,345 people have set a donation goal, accounting for 26,603 blood donations and 50,745 plasma donations. And these donations will save lives. That's for sure. Milan , for example, depends on plasma to stay healthy and alive. Without vital plasma medication, even a simple flu can be fatal for him. Or Elijah who can produce little to no white blood cells of his own, making him more susceptible to infections. Thanks to immunoglobulins made from plasma, Elia's quality of life increases. Or Renée, a mischievous toddler who, in addition to an incredibly cute smile, also has a rare condition. After all, she was born with Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency (PKD). This is a disease in which her own red blood cells break down too quickly, causing her hemoglobin to drop and requiring blood transfusions to keep it up.

Blood and plasma donations will help each of them and many more on a daily basis. Belgian Red Cross-Flanders would like to sincerely thank all participants for their commitment and good intentions. For those who have not yet set a donation goal, the campaign will run until Feb. 18. Registration is easy at