Band-aid campaign Belgian Red Cross-Flanders another big success

The second edition of the Plaster Action was once again a great success: no fewer than 405,000 plasters were sold, amounting to more than 4 million euros, a historical record revenue. The proceeds will go entirely to the 217 local chapters of Belgian Red Cross-Flanders , which will use the money to purchase teaching materials for free first aid courses (in which 45,000 trainees participate each year), equipment to be present with first aid stations at local events, the purchase of ambulances, the provision of patient transportation and for their various socially engaged activities, among other things.
The Band-Aid campaign has replaced traditional sticker sales since last year. During the first Plaster Action, 400,000 units were sold. Those excellent sales were already an indication that after 60 years of sticker sales, the Band-Aid was here to stay. This year's results confirm that the patch is a hit. Singer CAMILLE was this year's ambassador for the campaign and her cheerful cartoon character appeared on the plaster packaging. With her enthusiastic support, CAMILLE certainly contributed to achieving this record result.
"We are extremely satisfied with the result of this second Pleister Action," said Philippe Vandekerckhove, Chief executive officer, CEO of Belgian Red Cross-Flanders. "The record proceeds are proof of the great support our organization enjoys among the population. The Flemish people have shown their hearts. The proceeds enable our local Red Cross branches to continue or expand their important work."
Belgian Red Cross-Flanders Thank you to everyone who has contributed over the past 14 days. These are first and foremost all the Flemings who have bought the plasters and also, of course, our 13,000 volunteers who have gone out to sell the plasters over the past two weeks.