1 year of conflict in Sudan: this is how it helps Belgian Red Cross-Flanders

The conflict in Sudan, which has been raging for a year now, has taken a heavy toll on the population. 8.2 million people are displaced, of whom 6.5 million are internally displaced and 1.76 million have sought refuge in other countries, mainly Chad, Egypt, South Sudan and Ethiopia. This situation is compounded by the pre-existing challenges facing Sudan, including economic instability, climate change and persistent drought, leaving 24.8 million people in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.
According to recent figures from the World Health Organization (WHO), 18 million people face food shortages, 5 million of whom are at risk of malnutrition. Young children in particular are the major victims, with 1 in 7 children acutely malnourished. Moreover, ongoing violence has destroyed or shut down many medical facilities, further exacerbating the humanitarian crisis. The number of cholera cases in the region is increasing due to a lack of clean water, soap, toilets and cholera vaccines.
The Sudan Red Crescent Society (SRCS) is working with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and nine other national sister societies to help people affected by the ongoing conflict. Through this collaboration, more than 19,562 food packages were distributed, 47,180 people were given access to clean water and shelter was provided to 3,316 families. In addition, they also play an important role in providing essential medical assistance to hospitals.
The presence of neighboring National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in the border areas is crucial. They staff humanitarian service points there to provide essential services such as first aid and psychosocial support to displaced people. Already 450,000 people have been helped as a result.
Thus, helping Belgian Red Cross-Flanders
Belgian Red Cross-Flanders allocated €150,000 from its emergency relief fund to support the relief efforts of the Sudan Red Crescent Society. Activities mainly include first aid and medical care, distribution of food, medicine and other basic necessities. In addition, we call for compliance and respect for International Humanitarian Law. Because the dire situation in Sudan remains under-reported, Belgian Red Cross-Flanders also calls for attention to this humanitarian disaster.
Warm call
Those wishing to support the victims in Sudan can do so by using the account number BE53 0000 0000 5353 with the mention "Sudan."