Basic Education

Why is helping so important? How do you learn to help people? We can tell you all about it. Because we are active in many different fields, our range of teaching materials and support for teachers is very diverse and extensive. So as a teacher, you are spoilt for choice!

First aid

What do you do if something happens in your classroom or on the playground? Can you provide immediate help? We are the absolute reference in first aid. We offer extensive training specifically for teachers. But we also offer simple initiations or teaching packages for the classroom.

All our trainings and teaching packages are aligned with the first aid learning line (.pdf) and fit within the framework methodology of the Flemish Education Council to integrate health actions into school operations.

Especially for schools, we have put together a first aid backpack. With this backpack you will have the necessary first aid material at hand for every accident. In your classroom, on the playground or during an outing.

Order a first-aid backpack.

Blood and giving blood

What is blood? What is it used for? And why is it good to give blood? We have put together exciting lesson plans around this topic. They help you and your students discover what is involved in giving blood. The teaching packages contain a whole range of fun and educational activities perfectly tailored to each grade.

Learning kits around blood.

 Or would you like to take on a challenge with your school? We have developed an exciting educational game around blood giving. Sing, learn and color red! If you work together with the whole school and succeed in all the tasks, you will receive the label School with a Heart.

Take up the challenge with your school.

Helping with war and disasters

Earthquakes, hurricanes, hunger, war, development cooperation ... Almost every day these topics are covered in the news. So it's a good idea to pay attention to them in your classroom. Our range of teaching packages on these topics is very extensive. Each package contains detailed objectives and development goals.

Download a lesson plan.

Classroom support

Are there socially vulnerable children or preschoolers in your school who need extra support? Call on our bridging the gap project for free. Our volunteers are ready to help you. They can assist children with homework, get parents more involved in school, or help support classroom activities.

Learn more about our bridging the gap project.

Join together for a heart-safe school

Join together with the whole school to take up the challenge and become a heart-safe school. You can earn this label as a school if an AED device (automatic external defibrillator) is available and if 10% of the staff learn CPR. With our Heart Safe project, we want as many people as possible to learn CPR and defibrillation and thus increase someone's chances of survival in the event of a cardiac arrest.

Join us!

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