Return Non-Conforming Blood Products

CRD may approve return of a non-compliant blood product from the hospital to the CRD in case of:

  • Erythrocyte concentrate with positive DAT (direct antiglobulin test)
  • Blood products with a defect that did not originate the hospital and was not caused during a transport organized by the hospital for transportation of the blood product from RKV to the hospital

If applicable, we ask that the hospital make the request using ROOS. The ROOS manual describes how the returns of non-compliant or DAT + blood products should proceed, as well as the authorization. Through ROOS, RKV will communicate the authorization or non-authorization for return and non-charging of the products concerned and in case of return authorization RKV will immediately deliver the necessary number of leak-proof plastic bags (with absorbent material and 3-layer wall) to the hospital through the ek. hospital loop ride from IHcT to the hospital.

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Last updated 16/04/24.