Declaration of transfusion reaction

Serious adverse reactions in patients during or after transfusion that can be attributed to the quality or safety of blood or blood derivatives must be reported by the hospital as soon as possible to the Hemovigilance Center, via the Hemovigilance site of the Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products (RD of October 25, 2006) with a copy to the blood establishment.

It is recommended that serious side effects from a transfusion that may be due to a blood product abnormality also be reported immediately and directly to This allows us to take the appropriate actions towards products from the same donation. PLEASE NOTE , the mail once received will not be processed until the next working day. In case of medical urgency, it is recommended to contact the clinical biologist at the blood bank lab by phone (24/7 permanence) for transfusion advice.

Last updated 11/04/24.