The term "Normal Delivery" refers to systematic delivery of standard blood products by Belgian Red Cross-Flanders (RKV) to the hospitals by means of transport provided by Interhealthcare Transport cvba (IHcT), whereby each hospital blood bank is called at a fixed time in the afternoon on Monday-Friday, excluding holidays.
Normal delivery requires a prior normal order to replenish the blood products stock of the hospital blood bank: cfr. Normal Order Procedure.
The transport for normal delivery is organized by RKV and includes not only the actual transport of the blood products from RKV to the hospital blood bank but also the validated packaging and conditioning of the blood products in order to ensure the integrity and traceability of the labile blood derivatives during transport until delivery to the hospital blood bank.
Notwithstanding the part B1 of the hospitals' budget of financial resources (BFM) includes the reimbursement of transportation costs for blood products, RKV organizes the transportation for normal delivery not only in the name of but also on behalf of RKV, insofar as the procedure"Normal Order" and the procedure In"Receipt of Delivery at the Hospital" are correctly observed by the hospital.
As has been common practice for years, RKV sends one or more digital delivery files (1 file per exam box) electronically to the hospital with each blood product delivery.
In addition, a printed delivery slip indicating the products (blood products, possibly accessories, possibly a temperature probe) is present in the document zip bag attached to the exam box.
In case of normal delivery, the procedure In' Receipt at Hospital Delivery' applies.
Last updated 31/07/18.