There is the possibility of agreeing, for one or more of the standard blood products, an "agreed stock" number in the hospital blood bank, corresponding, for a given blood product type, to the "ideal" number of units available in the hospital blood bank after supply by RKV.
As described in the ROOS manual, in case the hospital has entered into an agreed stock agreement, the ideal number of units per blood product type and per blood group in stock is shown in the ROOS request screens 'normal order' (in case of agreed stock agreement for erythrocyte concentrates and/or VPVIM) and 'normal order PLC' (in case of agreed stock agreement for platelet concentrates)
Version 2018 01 23
The ROOS request screen 'normal order' shows a 'minimum number' of erythrocyte concentrates per product type and per blood group for which the hospital has entered into an 'agreed stock' agreement with RKV. This minimum number is listed in a 'Minimum' column next to the 'Ideal' column.
De minimum aantallen zijn door RKV berekend o.b.v. het gemiddelde erytrocytenconcentraten verbruik over hetzij 3 dagen (ziekenhuizen met verbruik > 4500 ECLs per jaar) hetzij 4 dagen (ziekenhuizen met verbruik < 4500 ECLs per jaar).
As described in the ROOS manual, the "Minimum" parameter in ROOS should help the hospital reduce as much as possible the risk of stock breakage and urgent transport of erythrocyte concentrates.
Version 2018 01 23
The hospital can have the Ideal and Minimum parameters defined in ROOS changed by simple request to RKV. Please address your request to A medical staff member of RKV, preferably a member of your hospital's transfusion committee, will contact you by telephone to discuss the further procedure and to advise you on the request procedure, including sending a written request using the standard form you have filled in, which is available here.
Version 2018 01 23
Last updated 26/01/18.