Application procedure compromised blood product for transfusion by categorical hospital
The application process is started with a telephone contact with the clinical biologist at Belgian Red Cross-Flanders (RKV) through the blood bank lab to ensure the indication. For the actual order of the blood product, you must then complete a prescription form. On this form you should indicate, in addition to patient and prescriber information:
A sample prescription form is available at
Deliver the fully completed and signed prescription form along with the sample to the blood bank lab at RKV.
If the ABO/D type of the patient is not yet known in the blood bank lab of RKV (after verification by clinical biologist), a second, independently collected sample with request form for a second ABO/D determination should be sent, indicating the request path 'Request of compromised EC by categorical hospital'
Implementation of the application
When a suitable product is available, the blood bank lab will contact the prescriber so that the product can be picked up by the prescriber. The prescriber organizes their own transportation.
Hereby, the prescriber is responsible for the compliant preservation and traceability of the blood product during transport.
Also, within three working days of receiving the blood product, the prescriber must return the packaging materials, exam box including all conditioning elements, to RKV blood bank lab of issue.
Last updated 31/07/18.