Products not for transfusion, intended for validation and educational purposes

This is not part of the operation of the biobank in the legal sense of the word.

The Blood Service of Belgian Red Cross-Flanders makes MLM available to medical laboratories or research centres for routine validation of test systems etc. or to educational institutions for didactic activities.


The human body material (MLM) that can be obtained from the Blood Service of Belgian Red Cross-Flanders for validation or educational purposes (if available and subject to an approved application) can be found in this table; see below for the application process.

Products with specifications

If desired and with an approved request , buffy coats and EDTA samples can be obtained routinely, selected on the basis of blood group + RhD donor, donor gender, donor age range and freshness (only buffy coats). These are products with specifications. 

There are a number of conditions attached to this:

  • A maximum of 2 specifications per product will be allowed
  • An additional charge will be made per specification and per product
  • The desired specification(s) are ordered in the online ordering application ROOS, together with the product. The list of possible specifications (to be checked in ROOS) can be found in the table below:

    Selection on Possible specifications to check in ROOS
    Gender donor Gender M
    Gender V
    Donor age range Age ≤30 years
    Age ≤40 years
    Age ≤50 years
    Age ≤60 years
    Age 30-40 years
    Age 40-50 years
    Age 50-60 years
    Age 20-40 years
    Age 40-60 years
    Age >30 years
    Age >40 years
    Age >50 years
    Age >60 years
    ABO+RhD donor Blood group A RhD+
    Blood group A RhD-
    Blood group O RhD+
    Blood group O RhD-
    Blood group B RhD+
    Blood group B RhD-
    Blood group AB RhD+
    Blood group AB RhD-
    Bewaarduur buffy coat <8u Fresh BC


  • With an approved request for buffy coats/EDTA samples with specifications, these products can also be ordered without specifications in ROOS
  • Specifications requested are applied to each product: e.g. if 3 buffy coats + 2 specifications are ordered, all three buffy coats will meet these 2 additional requirements
  • Buffy coats with specifications are available in both Campus Mechelen and Campus Ghent, EDTA samples with specifications are only available in Campus Mechelen
  • Products with specifications can single to be delivered if available. Certain (combinations of) specifications are less available, please take this into account when placing an order. You will be notified by telephone if the products with specifications are not or only partially available. In the latter case, the number of products to be delivered can be discussed. 
    • It is possible to deliver fewer products with specifications
    • It is not possible to deliver products without specifications in this case
    • It is not possible to deliver the same number of products with only 1 of the 2 ordered specifications 


Exceptionally , other products (other than buffy coats and EDTA blood samples) selected by blood group + RhD, gender or age may also be delivered. 

For this, please contact .



The anonymized blood products carry a large numberless label containing the following information regarding the product:

  • the product code
  • type of product
  • the date of collection*
  • the blood group + RhD of the donor (O+, O-, A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-)°
  • gender of donor (M, F)°
  • age of donor°
  • VERS indien bewaarduur buffy coat <8u

*preparation date for a pooled platelet concentrate
°not for a pooled platelet concentrate

The label also indicates whether it is intended for scientific research (WO) or for validation or educational purposes (VO).



The labels of anonymized blood samples obtained from the CELA do not contain any information. If blood samples were requested with specifications, gender, age and/or ABO RhD of the donor are indicated on the document upon delivery.


The products are packaged according to the triple packaging system for shipment of biological materials.

  • Primary packaging: watertight and leak-proof container (e.g. steel tube, blood bag)
  • Secondary packaging: waterproof and leak-proof outer bag
  • Tertiary packaging: impact resistant outer packaging
  • An adhesive envelope containing the copy of the delivery note intended for the 'customer' is attached to the outer packaging


Application procedure

To order MLM for use in routine validations or educational activities, follow the steps below. 

The application process is simpler than for biobank applications, and the provision is not subject to the registration required by law that applies to biobank products.

Step 1: Submit an application form

Make an application using this application form in which you include the details of the application and the use of the material.

  • Buffy coats or EDTA blood samples with specifications; see above:
    • If desired, check “Selection of buffy coat based on the specifications below” or “Selection of EDTA blood samples based on the specifications below” on the request
    • Vink de gewenste specificatie(s) aan (bloedgroep + RhD donor, geslacht donor, leeftijdsrange donor en/of bewaarduur buffy coat <8u). Let op: op de aanvraag kunnen alle 4 de specificaties aangevinkt worden, bij het plaatsen van de bestelling in ROOS worden max. 2 specificaties per product toegestaan
    • In ROOS, only the requested and approved specifications will be visible and selectable. See under 'Products' the list of possible specifications (tickable in ROOS).
    • If you want the above mentioned products both with and without specifications, only the product with specifications should be checked on the request. Specifications can but do not always have to be ordered in ROOS
    • If you wish to order other products (plasma, erythrocyte concentrate, whole blood, platelet concentrates) in addition to buffy coats or EDTA blood samples with specifications, a separate request must be submitted for this. 

Submit the digitally completed and signed application form to 

Step 2: Applying for the products

Upon favorable review of your application, you will receive written confirmation and a unique case number will be assigned. This case number, if requested, must be selected in the ordering application 'ROOS' to place orders in accordance with this application. 

For the procedure to follow for actual orders: see manual for 'ROOS'.

Order and collection modalities

Products cannot be collected on weekends, Mondays, public holidays and on days following a public holiday.

Blood and blood products not suitable for transfusion (incl. buffy coats with specifications) 

  • Acceptance of orders is closed daily at 7:00 am. Orders received after 7:00 am can be processed the next day at the earliest
  • At the latest at 11:00 you will receive a notification (by e-mail or telephone) if the order cannot be executed or can only be executed partially due to insufficient availability of products. In the latter case, the number of products to be delivered can be discussed.
  • The products must be collected between 11:30 am and 1:30 pm at the distribution counters of the Blood Service at Campus Ghent or Campus Mechelen

Residual samples from CELA (incl. samples with specifications)

  • Orders must be received no later than 2 days before expected delivery at 2:30 PM
  • Once received, orders cannot be cancelled or changed
  • The samples must be collected between 11:30 am and 1:30 pm at the distribution desk of the Blood Service at Campus Mechelen

When products are picked up, staff at the distribution desks will ask for the name and address* of the consignee and a copy of the delivery note will be signed off by the courier. 

*The delivery address is always the address mentioned on the request form. This address will also be shown on the delivery receipt, attached to the envelope containing products. If different delivery addresses are desired, please submit multiple requests.

Executed orders that are not picked up will be charged.


Last updated 08/01/25.