What can the nonprofit and education sectors borrow from us?

The following materials are available:

  • practice AED "Lifepack"
  • Rea-pop Baby "Laerdal",
  • Rea-pop Baby "Laerdal" QCPR,
  • Rea-torso Junior "Laerdal",
  • Rea-torso Junior "Laerdal" QCPR,
  • Rea-torso adult "Laerdal" QCPR,
  • Family box [1 baby + 1 infant QCPR + 1 junior and 1 adult QCPR].

Find more info about the app QCPR here


who can borrow:

  • Nonprofit organizations,
  • Teachers of educational institutions,
  • Educational institutions.

Prices Guarantee and loan materials:

see loan form

For the Nonprofit/Education loan form click here


* there are new loan & deposit prices as of Oct. 15, 2024!!! *

The materials will always be delivered to the PZ in full order,
An extensive check will be made by the PZ after each return,
In case of damage or missing parts, a compensation will be charged for the value of the repair and/or replacement of the part by an original,
All materials will be returned cleaned. A fee will be charged for having it cleaned,
The fee can either be invoiced or settled through the guarantee (to be indicated by the borrower on the form at the "billing details" box),
The guarantees may be CASH ONLY payable at the provincial headquarters. The deposit will be refunded after verification of the borrowed materials. There is no payment terminal available.


How to book:

Send an email with the completed rental application to oostvlaanderen@rodekruis.be to reserve or send a letter with the completed rental application to Rode Kruis-Oost-Vlaanderen, provincial headquarters, Ottergemsesteenweg 426, 9000 Ghent to borrow.
You will receive confirmation via e-mail whether the materials are/are not available.

How to pick up and return:

At the provincial headquarters East Flanders, Ottergemsesteenweg 426, 9000 Ghent.

On weekdays from Monday to Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
By appointment with an employee of the East Flanders provincial headquarters.


Lending conditions material provincial seats:

  1. The material is owned by the Belgian Red Cross/Belgian Red Cross-Flanders, Helper of the Government, enjoying legal personality in accordance with the law of March 30, 1891, with registered office at 1180 Brussels, Stallestraat 96 and with operating headquarters at 2800 Mechelen, Motstraat 40, with company number 0406.729.809 ("the Lender").
  2. Materials can be picked up and returned during business hours by appointment with a county office staff member.[Opening hours to be found on this website]. 
  3. It is prohibited to transfer, lend, rent or make the material available to third parties.
  4. The rental price is calculated per day. For the rental price, the day of pickup is counted as a day. Saturday and Sunday are also counted as a day.
  5. A deposit will be charged to the Borrower.
  6. This deposit must be paid in cash to the provincial headquarters employee. When requesting different types of dolls [without and with QCPR], the deposit with QCPR [€120.00] is always charged upon collection.
  7. It is not possible to bring material without paying the deposit.
  8. The Borrower cannot be held liable for accidents or any other harmful consequences that would result from the use or any defects of the borrowed materials. If the materials are not available or only partially available due to force majeure, the Borrower shall not be entitled to any compensation.
  9. Without prejudice to its recourse against third parties, the Borrower shall be jointly and severally liable for any breach of one or more provisions of these Terms of Lending. The Borrower is liable in case of theft and for loss, damage, deviation, depreciation, of any borrowed property. He cannot invoke any fault or intention of third parties, coincidence or force majeure. The Borrower is liable throughout the duration of the borrowing, for the damage or nuisance that the borrowed property or its use, even if not faulty, would cause to third parties. The Borrower declares to know and observe the use and safety regulations of the materials. He will use the materials with due diligence and only for the purpose for which they were borrowed.
  10. By signing the collection form, the Borrower acknowledges receiving the goods clean and free of visible damage or irregularity. Upon return of the material, the condition of the material will be verified by the Borrower.
  11. The deposit will be refunded in cash if, based on this inspection, the equipment is in the same condition as when collected, i.e. clean and without damage or any irregularity.
  12. In the event of damage, missing material, loss or theft, compensation will be charged to the Borrower in the value of the repair or, if this is not reasonably possible, in the value of the replacement of the material at new value. This compensation shall be offset against the deposit paid. If the compensation exceeds the amount of the deposit paid, the Borrower shall immediately pay the excess on the spot.
  13. All materials must be dry and clean upon return. A fee of €25.00 will be charged to the Borrower for drying and/or cleaning soiled materials. This fee will be deducted from the deposit paid. If the fee exceeds the amount of the deposit paid, the Borrower will pay the excess immediately on site.
  14. The Lender may refuse requests to lend materials in the following cases:
    - erroneous or wrongful use of the borrowed items
    - repeated damage
    - unreturned materials
    - unpaid amounts
  15. These lending conditions are governed exclusively by Belgian law. Only the courts of Antwerp, Mechelen division, are competent to take cognizance of disputes.