د کورنۍ بیرته یوځای کیدو په اړه پوښتنې

      Do you already have a record with the Red Cross?

      Avez-vous déjà un dossier chez La Croix Rouge?

      Do you already have a dossier at the Red Cross?

      If yes, please provide the number of your file.

      Si oui, indiquez votre numéro de dossier.

      If yes, provide the number of your dossier.

      Who do you want to reunite with?

      Vous souhaitez un regroupement avec qui?

      With who do you want to reunite?

      Date of the positive opinion of your status as a recognized refugee or of subsidiary protection.

      Date de l'avis positif sur votre statut de réfugié ou de protection subsidiaire.

      Date of positive advice on your refugee or subsidiary protection status.

      Do you have any comments or additions? E.g. additional info about the contact person.

      Avez-vous des commentaires ou des ajouts? P. ex. informations supplémentaires sur la personne de contact.

      Do you have any remarks or additons? Eg. extra info about the contact person.

      All data you enter in this form will be processed according to our data policy. Want to know more about this policy and what we do with your data? Click here for more info.

      Toutes les données que vous communiquez via ce formulaire sont traitées conformément à la politique relative aux données. Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur cette politique et sur ce que nous faisons avec vos données, cliquez ici.

      All data that you complete on this form will be processed in accordance with our data policy. Want to find out more about this policy and what we do with your data? Click here for more info.