Cookie Policy

We are pleased to inform you about the cookie policy of Belgian Red Cross-Flanders, the Flemish community of the Belgian Red Cross, located at Motstraat 40, 2800 Mechelen, KBO number 0406.729.809. Further information on the use of the data we collect from you can also be found in our data policy and legal notices.

What are cookies?

The websites of Belgian Red Cross-Flanders (, websites of local departments and provincial seats,, and use so-called 'cookies'. These are small text files that our websites send to your browser. Your computer, tablet, smartphone or other hardware store these files. They allow us to easily track information about your visit to our websites.

Cookies usually have an expiration period. For example, certain cookies are deleted immediately when you close your browser ("session cookies"), while other cookies remain on your computer for longer periods, e.g., 2 years or until you delete them yourself ("persistent cookie").

What cookies do we use and what for?

We use cookies on our websites to make your visit to our websites as smooth as possible and to provide insight into visits to our websites.

We primarily use cookies for necessary and functional purposes. This means that these cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of our websites. You cannot refuse the necessary cookies, but you can refuse the functional cookies. 

In addition, there are analytical cookiesthat collect information about the use of the websites (pages visited, average length of visit,...) in order to improve their operation. We use Google Analytics for this purpose (in accordance with the Google Analytics Terms of Use: You can refuse these cookies.

You can also reject the advertising cookies. They are used for advertising and targeting. You can find more explanation about these cookies in the table below

Type of cookie Cookie name Due date Why
JSESSIONID (jobsite)
As long as the session lasts. The cookie is deleted when the browser is closed. You as a user are thus paired with the session info on the Web server.
rmk12 (jobsite)
1 year Records whether you have accepted cookies.
  PHPSESSID As long as the session lasts. The cookie is deleted when the browser is closed. You as a user are thus paired with the session info on the Web server.
  necessary-cookie-advertising-refused-at 1 year Identification and registration of your cookie preferences.
  necessary-cookie-advertising-accepted-at 1 year Identification and registration of your cookie preferences.
  necessary-cookie-advertising-status 1 year Identification and registration of your cookie preferences.
  necessary-cookie-analytics-refused-at 1 year Identification and registration of your cookie preferences.
  necessary-cookie-analytics-accepted-at 1 year Identification and registration of your cookie preferences.
  necessary-cookie-analytics-status 1 year Identification and registration of your cookie preferences.
  necessary-cookie-functional-refused-at 1 year Identification and registration of your cookie preferences.
  necessary-cookie-functional-accepted-at 1 year Identification and registration of your cookie preferences.
  necessary-cookie-functional-status 1 year Identification and registration of your cookie preferences.
  necessary-cookie-necessary-accepted-at 1 year Identification and registration of your cookie preferences.
  popup_ 1 year Registration of display of popup screen
  language 1 month That's how we know what language you want to access the website in.
  _ga 2 years This gives us an overall picture of the number of visitors, page visits, sessions and impact campaigns. A randomly generated ID is used for this purpose.
  _hole 10 minutes This cookie monitors search speed. This allows us to determine which website areas need improvement.
  _gid 1 day This cookie tracks the number of page visits.
  _dc_gtm_UA-59530668-1 1 minute Google Tag Manager: this allows to load and use scripts and codes on our website.
  _fbp 90 days Facebook pixel: used by Facebook for advertising.
  fr 90 days Facebook cookie: used by Facebook for advertising.
  GPS As long as the session lasts. The cookie is deleted when the browser is closed. YouTube cookie.
  VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE 6 months This cookie tracks whether YouTube videos on our site (embedded) function properly.
  YSC As long as the session lasts. The cookie is deleted when the browser is closed. Youtube cookie that measures movie playback.
  IDE 1 year Google cookie for online advertising.
  Test_cookie As long as the session lasts. The cookie is deleted when the browser is closed. Google cookie that tracks whether the site has cookies.

What about social media?

Our websites contain social plugins from Facebook, Twitter, Google (YouTube), Instagram and Linkedin. When you want to use a social plugin (e.g. the share button for Facebook) to share info on your social media or go to Belgian Red Cross-Flanders 's channel on YouTube, the external party, e.g. Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn will place cookies on your device. This will only happen if you consent. If you give your consent, you consent to the placement of cookies by this third party and their cookie policy.

You can find these social media's cookie policies here:

How can you delete or reject cookies? 

You can find information about which cookies were installed and how to delete them via your browser's support or help function.


This page was last modified May 13, 2020.