Cookie policy

We would like to inform you about the cookie policy of Belgian Red Cross-Flanders, the Flemish part of the Belgian Red Cross, having its place of business at Motstraat 40, 2800 Mechelen, registered in the Belgian Crossroad Bank of Enterprises with number 0406.729.809. You can find further information on the use of the data which we collect with regard to you in our privacy policy and the legal notifications.

What are cookies?

The websites of Belgian Red Cross-Flanders (, websites of local divisions and provincial seats,, and use 'cookies'. These are small text files which our websites send to your browser. Your computer, tablet, smartphone or other hardware stores these files. Cookies help us keep track of information on your visit to our websites in a simple manner.

Cookies usually have an expiration time. For example, certain cookies are immediately deleted when you close your browser ("session cookies"), while other cookies stay on your computer longer, e.g. 2 years or until the time you delete it yourself ("persistent cookie").

What cookies do we use and what for?

We use cookies on our websites to make your visit to our websites as smooth as possible and to provide insights into visitors to our websites.

We use cookies primarily for necessary and functional purposes. This means that these cookies are necessary to the proper functioning of our websites. You cannot refuse necessary cookies but you can refuse the functional cookies. 

There are also analytical cookies which gather information on the use of the websites (pages visited, average length of visit etc.) in order to improve the site's operation. We use Google Analytics for this (in accordance with the Google Analytics Terms of Use: You can refuse these cookies.

You can also refuse the advertising cookies. They are used for advertising and targeting. You will find more information on these cookies in the table below.   

Type of cookie Name of cookie Expiration time Why
JSESSIONID (jobsite)
As long as the session lasts. The cookie will be deleted when you close the browser. You are linked to the session info on the web server as a user.  
rmk12 (jobsite)
1 year Records whether you have accepted cookies.
  PHPSESSID As long as the session lasts. The cookie will be deleted when you close the browser. You are linked to the session info on the web server as a user.  
  necessary-cookie-advertising-refused-at 1 year Identification and registration of your preferences.
  necessary-cookie-advertising-accepted-at 1 year Identification and registration of your preferences.
  necessary-cookie-advertising-status 1 year Identification and registration of your preferences.
  necessary-cookie-analytics-refused-at 1 year Identification and registration of your preferences.
  necessary-cookie-analytics-accepted-at 1 year Identification and registration of your preferences.
  necessary-cookie-analytics-status 1 year Identification and registration of your preferences.
  necessary-cookie-functional-refused-at 1 year Identification and registration of your preferences.
  necessary-cookie-functional-accepted-at 1 year Identification and registration of your preferences.
  necessary-cookie-functional-status 1 year Identification and registration of your preferences.
  necessary-cookie-necessary-accepted-at 1 year Identification and registration of your preferences.
  popup_ 1 year Registration of display of popup screen
  language 1 month This enables us to know which language you wish to use on the website.
  _ga 2 year This gives us a general idea of the number of visitors, page visits, sessions and impact campaigns. A randomly generated ID is used.
  _hole 10 minutes This cookie monitors the search speed. This helps us to determine which parts of the website should be improved. 
  _gid 1 day This cookie records the number of page visits. 
  _dc_gtm_UA-59530668-1 1 minute Google Tag Manager: this enables scripts and codes to be loaded and used on our website.
  _fbp 90 days Facebook pixel: used by Facebook for advertising purposes.
  fr 90 days Facebook cookie: used by Facebook for advertising purposes.
  GPS As long as the session lasts. The cookie will be deleted when you close the browser. YouTube cookie.
  VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE 6 months This cookie records whether YouTube videos function well on our site (embedded).
  YSC As long as the session lasts. The cookie will be deleted when you close the browser. YouTube cookie that measures video playback.
  IDE 1 year Google cookie for online advertising.
  Test_cookie As long as the session lasts. The cookie will be deleted when you close the browser. Google cookie recording whether the site has any cookies.

What about social media? 

Our websites contain social plugins for Facebook, Twitter, Google (YouTube), Instagram and Linkedin. If you want to use a social plugin (e.g. the Facebook share button) to share info on your social media or go to the Belgian Red Cross-Flanders channel on YouTube, the external party, e.g. Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn will place cookies on your device. This will only take place if you agree. If you agree, you agree to this external party placing cookies and to the cookie policy of this external party.

You can find the cookie policy of these social media here:

How can you delete or refuse cookies?

The support or help function of your browser provides information on which cookies were installed and how you can delete them.