Provincial Seat
The West Flanders provincial headquarters is located in Bruges. A team of professionals supports the provincial disciplines and departments. This team consists of a provincial manager, a provincial aid coordinator, two departmental supporters, an administrative assistant, an accountant and a maintenance manager.
General contact: 050 45 90 00 -

Koen Seynaeve (Province Manager) - 050 45 90 05
Policy operation (follow up meetings Provincial Council, Provincial Committee, Provincial Assembly)
Manage and monitor provincial finances
Manage staff provincial office
Organize Symposium Medical Disaster Management
Band-aid campaign: provincial sales
Point of contact PR & Recruitment and International Cooperation

Geert Deruyttere (Provincial Aid Coordinator) - 050 45 90 07
relief service (follow-up inquiries, organization of preventive services and disaster operation)
Social Intervention Service (follow-up inquiries, organization and follow-up of volunteer operation)
Organization of Medical Disaster Management Symposium

Annelies Blomme (Region and Department Support Officer) - 050 45 90 03
Permanence and reception
Follow-up of departments (contact point for general departmental questions)
Follow-up of regions (organization of regional committees, structural consultation with regional chairmen)
Contact point for social assistance and library service for hospitals and care institutions

Iris De Corte (Region and Department Support Officer) - 050 45 90 04
Permanence and reception
Follow-up of departments (contact point for general departmental questions)
Follow-up of regions (organization of region committees, structural consultation with region chairmen)
Contact point for CRM (questions, input, validation, deregistrations, mutations)
(Department Accountant)
Accounting Provincial Office
Support financial management of departments

Ann Vanoverbeke (Administrative Assistant) - 050 45 90 02
Permanence and reception
Point of contact Training, company first aid and Red Cross Youth
Administrative support relief service
Management websites
Management meeting rooms

Murielle Degroote (In charge of maintenance)
Maintenance of provincial headquarters
Meeting rooms prepared (drinks/furniture) and cleaned up