Monkeypox outbreak affects children in Central and East Africa: Belgian Red Cross-Flanders releases 50,000 euros from emergency relief fund

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is currently affected by a serious outbreak of monkeypox that is particularly endangering children. Since the beginning of this year, this outbreak has already caused more than 14,000 suspected infections and 511 deaths. The situation is all the more dire in eastern DRC, where years of conflict further complicate the lives of local people.

Belgian Red Cross-Flanders Releases 50,000 EUR to stop further spread

Belgian Red Cross-Flanders today released 50,000 euros from its emergency relief fund to respond to this crisis. This amount will be used to support the Red Cross response in DRC and surrounding regions, where cases have also been reported in neighboring countries such as Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda and Kenya. The funds will be used for awareness campaigns, detection of possible cases by local volunteers, psychosocial support and distribution of hygiene products such as soap.


The outbreak of monkeypox in DRC has been a problem for years, but the number of reported cases increased significantly in 2024. The spread of the virus is complicated by limited access to testing, especially in remote areas. Only 24% of suspected cases can be tested, and of these, about 65% turn out positive, meaning that the true number of infections is likely much higher. Currently, the virus primarily affects children. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), 70% of cases are under the age of 18. In Burundi, children between the ages of 0-5 count for nearly 40% of cases. 

Warm call

Those who want to help stop this serious outbreak can do so by making a donation to account number BE53 0000 0000 5353 with the mention 'Monkeypox'. Every donation helps to reduce the impact of this epidemic and save lives.