Zenith supports bridging the gap project

ANTWERPEN- The students of the 4th year of Zenith (urban education) handed over a check for 400 euros to Belgian Red Cross-Flanders. This sum is the result of their project "Poor and Rich".
Each year, students are given a number of hours to develop a project around Sustainable Development Goals. After visiting the OXFAM store, students set up a world store at school. This store is open every Friday. Parents are also given the opportunity to support the project by purchasing a gift package. The proceeds from these weekly sales are donated to charity. After a debate with the students, Belgian Red Cross-Flanders came up. The bridging the gap project of Belgian Red Cross-Flanders (support school situation) is certainly a project that fits into this theme. Any financial support for this initiative is more than welcome!
"If our hopes for making a better and safer world are to become more than wishful thinking, we will need the commitment of volunteers more than ever." Kofi Annan