Read our manuals
Handbook 'Help! First aid for all'
An abrasion or sprain? A stomach ache or an insect sting? Using four clear steps each time, this book explains what to do for more than 300 injuries and conditions. Not only will you find out what to do when someone needs help. You also get background information and all kinds of practical tips, including how to prevent accidents.
- Title: Help First aid for all
- Target audience: everyone
- ISBN number: 9789068910810
- For sale: in our webshop (Ref. 012131), at Standard Bookshop and through

Handbook 'Listen! First aid for mental health problems'
This handbook offers you tools to help someone who is struggling mentally. You don't need any prior knowledge about mental health. This book proposes an action plan that can help you recognize signs that someone is experiencing mental health problems, provide targeted support for that person, possibly help them find professional help and, during this process, take good care of yourself. The book also applies the action plan to 12 different topics.
- Title: Listen! First aid for mental health problems
- Target audience: everyone
- ISBN number: 9789068910735
- For sale: in our webshop (Ref. 011781), at Standard Bookshop and through

'CPR and defibrillation' manual.
Learn what to do when someone is unconscious and may or may not be breathing. Using four steps, you will learn to respond appropriately to an emergency. The book explains step by step the techniques of stable side positioning, CPR and defibrillation for an adult, baby and child. This will allow you to provide the right help faster in an emergency. You will also get background information and all kinds of tips that can contribute to effective rescue.
- Title: CPR and defibrillation
- Target audience: everyone, CPR and defibrillation students
- ISBN number: 9789082839074
- For sale: in our webshop (Ref. 010975), at Standard Bookshop and through

Handbook "Kissing the Wound: First aid for Parents and Grandparents
Is it best to kiss the wound? No, actually no. Yet it doesn't have to be much more difficult than this widespread saying. Those who care for young children do not necessarily have to be great experts to be able to provide first aid in simple or even more serious situations.
By learning a few basic actions, you can already do a lot. We will teach you what you can do yourself for common injuries and for specific pathologies, and when to consult specialized help.
- Title: Kissing the Wound: First aid for parents and grandparents
- Target audience: parents, grandparents, babysitters ...
- ISBN number: 9789082839067
- For sale: webshop (Ref. 011564), at Standard Bookshop, through and at Colruyt.

Handbook 'First aid for teachers'
A student falls on the playground while playing soccer and scrapes his knee. Another student suddenly has a nosebleed during class. These simple situations do happen at school from time to time. What do you do as a teacher? Do you also know how to respond when the situation is more serious?
First aid granting is not difficult. You can do a lot with a few simple actions. 'First aid for teachers' gives teachers practical answers to many first aid questions. The book tells you in clear steps how best to respond when a student has had an accident, becomes ill or is injured.
- Title: First aid for teachers
- Target audience: teachers
- ISBN number: 9789082839081
- For sale: in our webshop (Ref. 011238), at Standard Bookshop and through

Manual 'Brecht explains - First aid for preschoolers'
Brecht the Bear's picture books bring first aid into the preschool classroom. This manual provides you with ready-made materials to work with the 7 themes: first aid material safety, skin wound, burn, nosebleed, poisoning and drowning. Beautifully designed work forms that meet the educational objectives.
- Title: Manual Brecht explains - First aid for preschoolers
- Target audience: preschool teachers
- ISBN number: 9789044856859
- For sale: through Standard Bookshop or

Picture books "Brecht the Bear
The 7 picture books by Brecht the Bear each deal with a different theme within first aid. This way you bring first aid at an adapted level to your kindergarten class. Together with the manual 'Brecht explains - First aid for toddlers' full of ready-made methods, you have the whole package at your disposal. The 7 books and their themes :
- Titles:
A backpack full of first aid - first aid equipment - 9789044834949
Watch out for that bike - safety - 9789044835021
Ouch, I fell - skin wound - 9789044835038
That's hot - burn - 9789044835045
My nose is bleeding - nosebleed - 9789044835052
My tummy hurts - poisoning - 9789044835069
Swimming is fine - drowning - 9789044853070
- Target audience: preschoolers, preschool teachers
- ISBN numbers:
- For sale: through Standard Bookshop or